Nizhny novgorod

Stainless steel pipes

Stainless steel fittings, piping and shut-off valves

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Менеджер отдела продаж
Фасхутдинов Денис Олегович

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Stainless steel pipes are widely used in various industries, construction, housing and communal services and in everyday life. They are used:

to create pipelines for pumping liquid and gaseous media;

as a structural material in construction;

to create metal structures for various purposes;

as a starting material for further processing at mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises;

in the design of the urban environment, residential and public spaces.

The breadth of application of stainless pipes is due to the unique properties of stainless steel: mechanical and thermal strength, excellent anti-corrosion properties, durability, manufacturability, antimagnetic properties, hygienic cleanliness and aesthetics.

The company "ALFA-STAR" offers a wide range of various types of stainless steel rolled pipes, including:

round steel pipes. There are two types of round pipes in our catalog: seamless and electro-welded. The products of the first type are characterized by increased durability and versatility of application. It is used to create pipelines that pump a variety of liquids and gases, including aggressive ones. Electric welded pipes with a welding seam are less strong and durable compared to seamless ones, but they are inexpensive, easy to install and have good welding properties. Widely used in construction and housing and communal services;

stainless profile pipes. They have a square and rectangular cross-section. These types of cross-sections work perfectly for bending and torsion, so profile pipes are widely used as a structural material. Square pipes are economical in material consumption compared to round ones. Square and rectangular pipes are used in the installation of metal structures, including load-bearing ones, in the construction of buildings and structures, in instrumentation, in special-purpose pipelines, in the production of various equipment - industrial, commercial, medical, etc. 

Stainless steel pipes from our company are made of AISI 304, AISI 316 steel according to the international standard American Steel and Iron Institute and Russian analogues 12(08)X18N10T, 02X17N14M2T (GOST 9940/41-81). Products can have different types of surface treatment: matte, polished, mirror, depending on the requirements of the technological process. The pipes are of high quality, which is confirmed by Russian and international certificates. Direct deliveries and own production of products ensure its low price.

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